Historic Images that show how the high street in Leeds have changed over the last 150 years have been released as part of an upcoming exhibition about the retail industry and how it has shaped the city. It is hoped that the release of these photos will entice the people of Leeds and surrounding areas to get involved by sharing their stories, memories, photos and clothes for the show.
Leeds: A City Born From Textiles
Fast x Slow Fashion: Shopping for clothes in Leeds, 1720-2020 will look at how and why the high street has changed over the last 300 years, specifically looking at the production, sale and purchase of clothes. Leeds has always had an affinity with the textiles industry; at the turn of the industrial revolution fabric was one of the main exports of the city. Now in the 21st century, Leeds is an arena for sprawling shopping complexes, department stores, independent clothing designers and more.
How You Can Get Involved
The curators of the exhibition are looking for help in selecting key outfits, photos and memories and would love the support from the local community. Anyone wanting to get involved can submit anything they would like – a dazzling outfit, some photos, even touching personal stories. Specific items that the curators are looking for are examples of clothing that was bought during Whitsuntide, clothing that was bought or worn at a NoLoGo event in 1994 and anything that was purchased in a Leeds based department stores, particularly Lewis’ and Schofields.
The exhibition will run from February 2020, and will celebrate the last 300 years of clothing retail and it’s relation to Leeds. to get involved and share your submissions, tag #LeedsThreads on social media or email vanessa.jones@leeds.gov.uk.