York is a gorgeous city. It’s medieval streets and ornate churches and architecture are some of the best examples in the world. However, it’s not always an easy city to navigate – especially if you’re part of the older generation.
With around 10% of York’s population aged over 65, a new campaign has been launched that looks at how the city of York can be made more age-friendly. The initiative will look at ways to help over-65’s get out and about, and help them to live a more active lifestyle. The overall well-being of older citizens will be assessed.
An Age-Friendly City
Being an Age Friendly city means that older residents are encouraged to become active citizens, shaping the place that they live in by working alongside local groups, council and businesses to identify and make changes to the physical and social environment they live in. Specifically, the initiative will look at improving the choices that citizens have when travelling the city, whether this means accessibility paths or improvements to public transport. Another key theme will be assessment of living situations and the home services that are available.
Councillor Carol Runciman, Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “We know that York is a great place to live in and we want to engage with our older people to hear how things could be better for them. Whether that is in terms of access to good quality support or the homes that they want to live in, we’re interested in all views.
“Ageing well is a key priority of the York Health and Wellbeing Board and, as part of this commitment, we want to engage more people and hear how we can help them to live longer, happier lives. Please share your ideas with us at AgeFriendlyYork@york.gov.uk”